
Cleo miss pole dance australia 2012
Cleo miss pole dance australia 2012

Surprise surprise another amazing Aussie has made the list. Teamed with her awesome line of pole clothing too, there’s nothing I don’t love about Cleo. Fucking hell I even got her legendary Rocking Legs N Abs DVD a few Christmases ago, however, that requires some sheer, mammoth sized levels of motivation to do, as I often end up a crumpled and sweating heap on the floor whenever I attempt it.

cleo miss pole dance australia 2012

Here was a woman who was not only strong as fuck but insanely bendy and busting out killer routines to one of my favourite bands, my beloved Motley Crue! Her Miss Pole Dance Australia 2012 and Fade to Black Freestyle will always be two of my favourite videos to watch when I need a bit of wide eyed, pole inspiration. Christ my little novice, baby pole dancer eyes couldn’t quite believe what utter badassery they were watching. Shit the bed where do I even begin with Cleo? I can honestly say she is the dancer who turned pole from a hobby to an obsession for me back in the Autumn of 2015 when I first started compulsively Youtube-ing her performances. Naturally, I thought I would share my list of the most inspirational pole dancers I could think of with you lovely lot (in addition to Beth Finlay of course), so here they are! So far this year, I have been using social media for precisely the reasons mentioned above (with the odd video of animals being adorable thrown in for good measure) and keeping up to date with the pole dancers who inspire and motivate me to get my ass out of bed/off the sofa and get my training on. (Lol fuck me that last sentence sounded like something from a Miss World speech). As much as it is blamed for pretty much all the wrongs of today’s society (I’m looking at you baby boomers) I truly believe that social media does have the power to be used for good and as a source of positivity, motivation and most importantly inspiration for it’s users.

cleo miss pole dance australia 2012 cleo miss pole dance australia 2012

I’m sure I have mentioned at some point that I am committed to using social media in a more positive way in 2019.

Cleo miss pole dance australia 2012